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Ministry of Tourism & Diaspora Relations Participates in the 6th Annual Belize Investment and Finance Forum
Author: Admin – June 21 2022
For immediate Press Release
June 20th, 2022
The Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora Relations (MTDR) was in Washington, DC in Florida House on Capitol Hill and participated in the 6th Annual Belize Investment and Finance Forum organized by the Belize American Chamber of Commerce (BACC).
The Forum focuses on International Finance and access to capital markets. It also encourages investment in real estate and in the BACC credit union project, The Belize American Credit Union (BACU). This credit union will bring about a much-needed solution to the financial challenges that the Belizean Diaspora face in the United States.
Partners included H.E. Ambassador Lynn Young from the Embassy of Belize in Washington, Institute of Caribbean Studies, US International Development Finance Corporation, The Belize Chamber of Commerce, Holy Redeemer Credit Union and the Ministry of Tourism & Diaspora Relations (MTDR). Representing the MTDR were Ambassador Sandhya Murphy, and Senior Liaison Officer, Sandra Mahler.
Ambassador Murphy took the opportunity to discuss the importance of the Diaspora Relations Unit and Build Belize Inc. and their plans to communicate and build partnership with Belizeans living abroad. The Unit will provide growth in the economy by increasing exports and attracting inward investments. It will also provide information and support to members of the Diaspora to ensure that Belizeans benefit from the platform. Build Belize Inc continues to support and assist the Belizean diaspora and the local community in the betterment of Belize.
The Forum offered an opportunity to bridge the gap between Belize and members of the diaspora.
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